Archive for December 2020

Power Failure (Broken Power Seat)

Posted December 27, 2020 7:18 AM

Know anyone who doesn't love a power seat in an SUV, a car, truck or van? They're convenient and precise in their adjustments.  But when they break, oh, what a pain.  Not only is it inconvenient, it may leave your seat position too close to the steering wheel or too far from the pedals.  This is a must-fix problem.

There are many things that cause a power seat to fail:

  • Seat controls.  These are either at the side of the seat or in the door.  Both are places that can be exposed to moisture or other contaminants.  When the controls stop working, they usually need to be replaced.
  • Seat motor.  Electric motors are what make a power seat move, and sometimes they fail.  Sometimes they just get worked to death and die of old age.  Replacement is the most common remedy.
  • Fuses. A power seat is, after all, powered by electricity and all vehicle power systems have fuses to protect them.  A technician can determine which fuse may have blown and replace it.  But it's also important to figure out what caused the fuse to blow and deal with that, too.
  • Wires.  There are wires under the seats that move when you move the seat.  Sometimes they get stretched, kinked or ripped.  In a power seat malfunction, it may be a wiring harness that needs to be replaced.
  • Gears.  They help the seat move and may need to be realigned or replaced.
  • Obstructions.  Yes, a piece of trash or a kid's toy has been known to jam up the works of a power seat. Taking them out of the mechanism may get your seat working again.

Most people pay extra to have power seats in a vehicle. So make sure you keep that convenient feature working. And don't forget that it's a safety issue, too.

AutoChoice Service Center Inc.
2009 S. Yost Ave.
Bloomington, Indiana 47403

I Had No Idea! (Four Things You Didn't Know About Vehicles)

Posted December 20, 2020 11:42 AM

Bet you didn't know:

Some of the earliest rearview mirrors were marketed as "Cop Spotters" so drivers would know when police were following them. Who wants a ticket, anyway? According to eBay Motors, Elmer Berger first patented a rearview mirror that was mounted on the front fenders, on the spare tire secured to the side of the car of at the top of the driver's door frame. 

About 80 percent of your vehicle is recyclable. So says The Balance. That means four-fifths of most vehicles can be recycled.  Much of that recycling is done by automotive aftermarket recyclers.  Between the U.S and Canada, they reclaim enough steel to produce 13 million new vehicles.

The man who invented the first modern cruise control couldn't even drive a car because he was blind! His name, says, was Ralph Teetor.  Blinded at a young age by a knife accident, Teetor was inspired to create a speed control by a couple of things.  One, the U.S. imposed a mandatory 35 mph/55 kph during World War II to conserve fuel and tire rubber, and Teetor wanted drivers to go a safe and steady speed.  Plus, a chauffeur who drove him around used to randomly slow down and speed up which irritated Teetor.  So he invented a speed control to encourage drivers to drive at a more constant and safer speed.

The first grooved tires were invented in 1904 by Continental.  But that was a big improvement over the very first "tires" which were actually metal hoops that made riding in the first cars a pretty rough experience.  The first rubber tires were solid rubber, not inflatable like today's tires.  Things have come a long way.  Modern tires are made with sophisticated rubber compounds that can deal with heat and cold.  Plus their tread patterns help drivers get better traction on wet roads when it storms.  Still, it's important to make sure yours have enough tread and are properly inflated for maximum safety and performance.

Quite frankly, there's a lot we don't understand about the vehicles we drive.  They're much more complicated than the old horse and buggy that preceded  them.  Leave your vehicle's maintenance and service to highly trained technicians who DO understand how to maintain, diagnose and repair today's modern, sophisticated vehicles. 

AutoChoice Service Center Inc.
2009 S. Yost Ave.
Bloomington, Indiana 47403

Winter Watch List (Winter Maintenance Items)

Posted December 13, 2020 9:21 AM

Don't love winter weather? Here's a list of four things you need to keep a watch on during the winter months.

Let's start with coolant levels.  Coolant is as important in cold weather as it is in hot weather.  Think of the term "anti-freeze." Your coolant needs to be adjusted for climate and temperature so the coolant doesn't freeze when the vehicle isn't running. Your service facility will know the right mixture.

Next, windshield wiper fluid. Winter weather can be challenging when it comes to visibility, so it's important to have the correct windshield washer fluid.  Some of it is specially formulated for ice and freezing temperatures. And it won't freeze if your vehicle has to sit out in below-freezing temperatures.  And don't forget you can get winter wiper blades that stay clearer in snowy, icy weather than ordinary blades.

Don't forget your tire pressure and tread.  After all, tires are what connect your vehicle and the road.  As temperatures go down, so does the air pressure inside your tires, so it's important to keep that up to the manufacturer's recommended pressure.  Also, make sure your tires have enough tread so they can grip slippery roads. Any service facility can perform a simple test so you'll know. If you need some new tires, they can help you find those that will fit your driving patterns.

Finally, oil gets thicker when the temperatures go down, so it's important to have the proper viscosity for your climate.  Consult your service advisor who will make sure your vehicle is using what the manufacturer recommends.

Keep your vehicle prepared for winter weather and it will reward you with the safety and performance it's designed for.

AutoChoice Service Center Inc.
2009 S. Yost Ave.
Bloomington, Indiana 47403

The Right Oil for the Season (Engine Oil Viscosity)

Posted December 6, 2020 7:07 AM

As the temperatures plunge, certain types of engine oil may not flow as easily as they did when it was warmer.  Makes sense, doesn't it? Just like molasses gets thicker as the temperature goes down, engine oil does the same thing. So, maybe you're wondering if you have to change your oil as the seasons change so it's just the right thickness to lubricate your engine parts. 

How well engine oil flows is called its viscosity. There are different types of oil—some that have just one viscosity and others called "multigrade" oils.  Here's the difference.

A single viscosity oil will flow better when it's hot but not as well when it's cold.  A multigrade oil is engineered so that its flow properties at cold temperatures are different than they are at warm temperatures.  In other words, a multigrade oil can start out in colder temperatures acting like a thinner oil and then behave like a thicker oil when it's warm.  That's a pretty cool trick and it's why multigrade engine oil is used in nearly all vehicles.  Your vehicle's manufacturer has the correct viscosity of oil for your particular model included in the owner's manual.

Another choice you have to make when it comes to engine oil is whether you use conventional oil, synthetic oil or a blend of the two.  Synthetic oils have some advantages over conventional, such as resisting breakdown better and withstanding higher temperatures.

Check with your service advisor to see which viscosity and type of oil is recommended for your vehicle.  It's important that in cold weather, the oil flows through your engine at the right thickness so that parts are being properly lubricated.  That will make sure you'll get good fuel economy and performance, no matter what the temperature is.

AutoChoice Service Center Inc.
2009 S. Yost Ave.
Bloomington, Indiana 47403



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These folks are legit. I needed an urgent repair in order to travel home and they were willing to help me out even though they were swamped. They didn’t make any promises they couldn’t keep, they told it exactly like it was, and still somehow miraculously got me back on the road. I’m so glad the tow truck driver recommended them - they did everything they could and they did great!

, 01/21/2025

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Great service. Took my car in for belt replacement. They inspected everything and sent a comprehensive inspection report via text. Above and beyond. Highly recommend

, 01/03/2025

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Simply outstanding service, some of the best I’ve ever experienced at an auto service center. Lloyd was professional, honest, and incredibly knowledgeable. He provided valuable insights without any pushy sales tactics. The turnaround time was impressive, and their communication was exceptional throughout the process. I couldn’t recommend them highly enough. Thank you for such an amazing experience!

, 12/14/2024


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